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The Joy Brought By A Furry Friend

 Whenever there is a new addition in the family it comes with all sorts of changes and responsibilities. In this case, it changed my daughter the most.

He was a birthday present for my daughter and she actually had absolutely no idea that she was going to get a puppy. She had spent years begging for us to get one and eventually had given up. The reason we initially refused to get a dog was because my husband and I felt that she was not mature enough to handle a dog but now that she is a teenager, she is at an age where we felt that she was ready.

We decided to get her a Pekingese due their loyal and affectionate nature. Their cuteness was definitely a bonus!

The day we recieved the dog, everyone was on edge, especially my daughter. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect. When we received the dog, she actually cried. It was everything she had ever wanted. She decided to name him Oreo since he had black and white patches all over his body.

As time went by, we all learnt how to look after him and funny enough, she taught us majority of what to do. She was very over-protective and she had found, in simple terms, a purpose and a loyal friend because she quickly realised that it was not only about her but it was also about an additional "baby" in the house. I saw her mature and learn the importance of responsibility. l used to hound to do her chores and ensure her room was tidy but she eventually began to do all of those things on her own, with minimal reminders.

She began to spend more time outdoors and exercising with the puppy which prior to getting the dog is something she would have not done. She definitely used to spend more time playing video games.

Getting an additional member in the family really helped my daughter become the best person and it also became something that really brought the family together.

The most sentimental part was how he just knew it was time for her to come back from school. You could not move him away from the gate, he would wait with wide eyes, as if he is expecting a treat and yet, for him, the treat was just seeing my daughter and having her spend time with him.

A dog is definitely a man’s best friend. -



  1. What would we do without dogs? They're the best! Lovely post x

  2. I loved having a family dog growing up, and the house always had a four-legged friend running around. When I left the family home to go to university, I realised just how much I missed the family dog. He would always know what time we were arriving back home as well. My mum would say that he'd curl up at the front door, just waiting for us (my siblings and me). Dogs truly are such loyal friends.

    Oreo is such a lovely name for a dog, that is adorable! I am glad your daughter and household benefitted from having Oreo around. I never realised how beneficial it was to have a dog, but you are right. I wouldn't have gone on nearly as many walks without my dog with me, or taken on such routine responsibility. Thank you for sharing; this was a delight to read. 😊

  3. This is such a lovely, honest post. A dog can really change things for the better. I've definitely learnt that over time.

  4. It's amazing how a dog can help children grow more responsible!


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